The penetration of digital technologies in Indian construction industry is at a very nascent stage. All stakeholders operate in siloes and somehow think that it is the “other guy’s” responsibility to deliver quality, on-time and within cost projects without any continual monitoring/measurement of crucial parameters. What cannot be measured can never be improved! That’s the reason 90% of projects are delayed and significantly over-budget and is almost an expected outcome which is not good use of taxpayer monies!
The integration of BIM and GIS in this regard will have a synergistic impact on the construction value chain, that is, 1+1 is not 2 but 4 or 5! But the key here is to create a constructible BIM and not just a design BIM and combine it with GIS to drive efficiencies during construction and O&M. The power of AI/ML, AR/VR, robotics etc will truly be unleashed during the construction and O&M phases and not in architecture or design phases. This is an area of active R&D for Trimble and its partners!