Andhra Pradesh Space Applications Centre
The “Mission Water Conservation” project under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) commenced in the year 2017 and covers 1,521 GPs in 88 blocks across five 5 districts located in the Rayalaseema and the Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh, which are highly drought prone. APSAC’s technical team facilitated scientific planning and management of soil and water conservation action plans through the “Ridge-to-Valley” approach.
Under this project, APSAC identified 32,000 water conservation locations in 1,521 grama panchayats (GP) for water conservation and management. About 50,000 farmers benefited by adopting these scientific results, and using the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) maps for implementation of conservation measures. The project also enabled state, district, block, village and cluster-level capacity building, through an user-friendly mobile app and web portal WEBGIS.
Mission Bhagiratha, Government of Telangana
Mission Bhagiratha is a massive project that covers 2.20 crore people and 54.06 lakh households. The project was started in 2015 and covers rural habitations of Telangana State. The project is designed in coherence with nature and topography, resulting in 98% of water transmission and distribution systems functioning by gravity.
The highlight of the project is equitable distribution of water to all households irrespective of terrain with the installation of Flow Control Valves (FCVs). The project is developing capacities of the state by building a SMART GRID with Optic Fiber Network provided along the pipeline. The project is using modern survey equipment like DGPS and GIS & Hydraulic Modelling Software and leverages IT enabled Monitoring Systems.
Odisha Space Applications Centre
Odisha Irrigation Information System (ODIIS) project started in the year 2017 and aims to ensure geospatial aided agricultural information system for Odisha that helps to develop a state data repository of the agricultural and irrigated land, irrigation development process, food security, insights about the agricultural land, cultivated areas and cropping system. Other objectives include development of canal asset information system, multiple on-time information to empower authorities for decision making on policy, pricing, procurement, etc., cadastral/Village/GP based crop monitoring, land suitability for crop cultivation, irrigation infrastructure mapping etc.
The project has successfully built an application of geospatial database of the irrigation network, its asset and functioning status with accurate agricultural information which helps in understanding sustainable agricultural development process and food security.
Thrissur Municipal Corporation
Thrissur Municipal Corporation has used Esri ArcGIS platform based design that helped users discover, create, use, and share location-based insights, on any device to reduce public water loss by bringing Non-Revenue Water below 15%. The Water Efficient Thrissur project was started in March 2020 and was completed in August 2020, and mapped asset data such as pipes, valves, hydrants, meters, and other network features, as well as operational data such as pressure zones, work routes, main breaks, and inspection locations.
It provided authorities with the tools to visualize and assess where they stand, in terms of water supply infrastructure. It gave citizens an interactive platform to air their grievances, simple graphics and processes make the platform accessible to everyone, sans barriers of age or ability. It also allows authorities to take charge of their assets and respond to how their city is growing.
Water Resources Investigation and Development Department, Government of West Bengal
The WBADMI Project is an innovative integrated project functional in the entire state of West Bengal since year 2012. The project objective is to increase the agriculture production of small & marginal farmers particularly tribal & women by providing assured irrigation facility and support services on agriculture, horticulture, and fishery activities through Water Users Associations (WUAs).
Using Web GIS based technology the project has been able to leverage identification, selection and approval of all surface & subsurface Minor Irrigation schemes. Regular system for progress monitoring, evaluation, impact assessment and scheme performance monitoring are done using NDVI assessment on Google Earth database. Application of these technologies significantly improved the effectiveness, judicious use of human & financial resources, success rate of tube wells, minimised risk and helped in creating transparency among various stakeholders.
Using various Geospatial data and technology, it has been possible to hand over more than 2000 minor irrigation schemes to Water Users Associations (WUAs). There has been a change in cropping intensity from 122 to 192 percent in the project area. Almost 60 percent of the targeted 75000 ha area has been brought under irrigation and the value of produce has reached up to 282 percent.